Recognizing and Removing Mold from Your Carpet

Posted on: 11 September 2015

Each year, many people suffer from seasonal allergies. If you're one of those sufferers, you likely prepare for the onset of the symptoms associated with this annoying problem. You know you will develop sneezing, itchy eyes, coughing, wheezing, and a scratchy throat. If you know what causes your allergies, you may try to avoid the triggers by going through your house and removing all the dust that you can, replacing air filters, and letting fresh air into every room. But did you know that mold can trigger those same allergy symptoms? The visible spores can easily be mistaken for a stain on your carpet, and getting rid of it properly and permanently can be a hassle.

Recognizing Mold

Mold isn't always visible to the naked eye, and it's even more difficult to detect under carpeting. Some of the signs include these:

  • a musty or stale scent that is stronger in one specific area of your home,
  • condensation
  • spots on your carpet that appear to be soiled but can't be cleaned or increase in size
  • fuzzy and discolored areas that don't go away

These are some of the signs that there is mold present. This is especially true if you have recently experienced flooding. Since mold thrives in dust and on certain fabrics or surfaces, drastic measures are often necessary to completely remove it.

Removing Mold

Getting rid of any mold you detect in your carpet is a multi-step process. You'll need to remove all carpeting before the cleaning can start. The floor beneath the carpet needs to be cleaned, preferably with an antimicrobial cleaning solution. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recommends using a mixture of bleach and water. The carpet should be cleaned separately and completely dried before it is reinstalled. The floor surface also needs to be dry. If the moisture is due to flooding, it will be necessary for you to use specialized equipment to remove all water before commencing any cleanup of mold or mildew.

There is no test available to determine if mold is present or what kind it is, so you do have to be aware of the signs. It might not be possible to save your carpet if mold has spread far and deep enough into it, but a carpet repair professional can give you some indication if it's worth the effort. Remember, you can remove any portion of carpet where mold is present, but unless you take the necessary steps to ensure you're carpet is dry and dust free at all times, mold can reappear and grow beneath the surface.

