Stop Scratching The Surface: 3 Hidden Areas Of Your Home That Contribute To Indoor Allergies
Posted on: 27 September 2016
Dealing with allergies is a challenge, especially when you are not sure where the source of your symptoms is coming from. According to the Allergy and Asthma Federation of America, the most common allergy triggers are mold, pollen, dust mites and animal dander, which can all exist within your home. While you likely have already spent a great deal of time dusting furniture and sweeping up pet hair, it is important to know that there are hidden areas in your home that also contribute to allergies. Cleaning these three spaces may be just the ticket to helping your family be allergy-free.
Check Your Bookshelves
Your household library may be filling your family's minds full of knowledge, but dipping their noses in a book may also be causing everyone to sneeze. Books can be filled with mold spores, dust mites and book lice, especially in homes with high humidity. Vacuum your books regularly, and consider storing them in a closed container instead of openly on a shelf to reduce the potential for mold growth that attracts mites.
Deep Clean Your Furniture
That overstuffed couch in your living room may be comfortable, but it is also likely harboring dander and dust that make you cough. While you may be able to clean the surface of your furniture, it is impossible to get deep enough without a professional cleaner. Schedule a deep cleaning each season, and consider switching to furniture made from materials such as leather and vinyl that allow less allergens to seep beneath the surface.
Maintain Your HVAC Unit
A quality HVAC unit can help you control moisture in your home that contributes to mold growth while also keeping outdoor pollen from entering through windows. Yet, proper maintenance is critical since moisture accumulating in the drip pan and dust building up on the coils can contribute to mold growth. When you schedule your seasonal maintenance, make sure to also check your air ducts. Over time, dust, mold and rodent droppings can accumulate in the ducts and affect your indoor air quality. Arranging for air duct cleaning reduces these allergens so your family can breathe freely.
In the fight against allergies, it may take adding some additional tasks to your housekeeping regime. While washing pillow cases and dusting the furniture is helpful, allergens are often lurking deeper beneath the surface. By scouring your home from top to bottom, you will be able to rest assured that the air your family breathes is noticeably clean.